এই ব্লগটি সন্ধান করুন

মঙ্গলবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

10Day's of bd history

Every day without a significant history of Liberation 71. Writing letters to each day blood. After the date of any Denial, Self help and pride Height became radiant. The symbols of the struggle for a date, imperishable honor and victory Memorial.71 the date of the first light of day Variety 10 -7 March, the number has been arranged, see Speech, and 6 March, Independence Day;17 April, mujibanagara government; 11 July, Sector Commanders' meeting, on 1 August, dyakanasarta for Bangladesh; 3 December, India - Pakistan war;6 December, Bangladesh, India recognition, 4-15 December, the United Nations Bangladesh - Controversy, 14 December, Martin's murder and 16 December, the final victory. The general form of liberation that had exceeded 71 geographically, no date has been that symbolize. Courage fortunate to have the most memorable days in February and will not only witness history, as the future pathacalaya nityaprerana.We will celebrate 40 years of independence. Beautiful, and changes in our struggle to build a brighter Bangladesh. Instead of giving us, instead of going to struggle to provide pathacalara 71 these days.

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