এই ব্লগটি সন্ধান করুন

মঙ্গলবার, ১৫ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Beginning of BD history

 Part - 2


At the finish of World War II it was clear that European colonialism had loped its way and Indian independence was expected. Independence was attained in 1947 but the fight back was acidic and disruptive, above all in Bengal where the fight for self-government was problematical by inside pious variance. The British, realizing any concurrence between the Muslims and Hindus was without a solution, decided to sliding doors the subcontinent. That Bengal and Punjab, the two crushingly Muslim regions, lay on contrary sides of India was only one faltering block. The position was knotty in Bengal where the major cash crop, jute, was fashioned in the Muslim-dominated east, but processed and shipped from the Hindu-dominated city of Calcutta in the west.
Inequalities among the two regions i.e. East and West Pakistan soon stirred up a common sense of Bengali xenophobia that had not been reckoned with all through the push for Muslim freedom. When the Pakistan government confirmed that `Urdu and only Urdu' would be the national language, the Bangla-speaking Bengalis determined it was time to assert their cultural uniqueness. The drive to return the Bangla language metamorphosed into a ram for self-government and when the Awami League, a nationalistic party, won a popular in the 1971 national elections, the president of Pakistan, faced with this undesirable result, overdue chance the National Assembly. Riots and strikes ruined out in East Pakistan, the independent state of Bangladesh was unilaterally announced, and Pakistan sent troops to control the rising.
The resulting war was one of the unswerving and bloodiest of present times, with the Pakistan army occupying all major towns, via napalm in opposition to villages, and slaughtering and raping villagers. Bangladeshis refer to Pakistan's atrocious diplomacy as attempted genocide. Border clashes stuck between Pakistan and India enlarged as Indian-trained Bangladeshi guerrillas crossed the border. When the Pakistani air force made pre-emptive do violence to on Indian forces, open fighting ensued. Indian troops crossed the border and the Pakistani army originates it being attacked from the east by the Indian army, the north and east by guerrillas and from all residence by the national residents. In 11 days it was all more and Bangladesh, the world's 139th country, on the record came into reality. Sheikh Mujib, one of the founders of the Awami League, became the country's first prime minister in January 1972; he was assassinated in 1975 during a stage of disaster

The End  (RASHEL)

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