এই ব্লগটি সন্ধান করুন

মঙ্গলবার, ২২ নভেম্বর, ২০১১

Our National Bird (Dowel)

 Bangali Name : Dowel

 English Name : Oriental Magpie 

Agreed to the name of science : Copsychus saularis

Vertebrates in the Dowel pranidera pyacheripharama class include a bird. Dowel well-known for a variety of dakadakira accusingly. Insects, small insects and their main food sumo. They are there all day eating soup from a dale nece goods selling. Sometimes, before the evening meal, they are looking out for. Male Oriental Magpie female Dowel dakadaki attracted to the sweet accusingly. However, the presence of his wife Dowel era dowel man can call. It is our national bird.

South Asia is temperate: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Southern China and the Philippines are available. Generally kathasamrddha forest, so obviously casabadakrta land and the people around them can be seen janabasatite.

Dowel the form of 15 - to 0 cm or 7 - 8 inches long. It has a long tail, which is present in most of the time. The black color of the body surface and the bottom doyelera male lung, stomach and white. I have two white wing patches of color. Surface and bottom ash Dowel era female vocal - rana is. Abdominal part of the male Dowel era not as bright, but some pasty white.

South Asia doyelera prajananakala March to July, and Southeast Asia in January to July. Brighten the color of the male reproductive doyelera body. Dale at the plant to the female attracted doyelake dakadaki the assorted accusingly. Eggs on the plant for a week before they are put banaya karnise kotare or roof. Generally, the 4 / 5 of the eggs. Egg color and light bluish - green, on a brown tint. Doyela sit on the female, 8 to 14 days after the eggs are to appear in children. Reproduction in the male becomes aggressive doyela. You come around when deyana other birds.


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